
Five Signs You Have Got an Orthodontic Emergency

Orthodontics can transform your smile and boost your confidence. Nevertheless, just like any other dental or medical treatment it accompanies certain challenges. 

You can feel some discomfort during orthodontic treatment, which is normal. But there are some issues that may need immediate attention. 

You must be familiar with the signs to avoid struggling with pain and aggravating the condition. Here are five signs indicating you need an emergency orthodontic care.

Severe pain or discomfort

After getting braces or adjusting wires, some soreness is expected. At times the pain is severe indicating few problems like:

  • A broken bracket
  • A misplaced wire
  • Tooth root problem

Even after taking pain killers, the agony persists for more than a couple of days, contact your Bigman Orthodontics for emergency care. 

They will assess your situation and help to relieve the soreness and possibly adjust your orthodontic treatment plan. 

Loose or broken bracket

Brackets are the backbone of your braces and need to stick tightly to its position. If a bracket starts to wobble or completely bails on you, it can slow down your progress and even cause your teeth to do a little dance they weren’t supposed to. Besides, the irritation it can cause to your cheeks and gums is not fun.

If you notice a loose or broken bracket, don’t panic. Give your orthodontist an emergency visit, so they can fix the problem ASAP. The quicker you act, the less likely your treatment will get side-tracked.

Poking wires

Wires give the right amount of pressure to move your teeth into place. But sometimes, wires can start to poke and prod your gums and cheeks. If you are dealing with this, don’t fear.

You can fix the problem yourself. With a clean pair of tweezers, try gently pushing the wire back into place. If that doesn’t work or the pain continues, it is time to call in the orthodontist for immediate fix. 

Swollen Gums

Your gums may seem sore or red or puffy. Check in the mirror for signs of pus. There are chances of infections due to poor oral hygiene or braces. If you avoid dental care urgently, infection can get aggravated. 

If your gums look a little puffy or you notice signs of infection like pus or redness, don’t ignore it. Infections can happen due to poor oral hygiene or irritation from braces, and they can get worse if ignored.

You may even struggle with fever or persistent pain. Call your orthodontist and get a check-up. You may be prescribed antibiotics to address the swelling or infection.

Loose Teeth

Your teeth may feel a little lose as they are adjusting to their new position. It is normal! But when you feel they are getting dangerously loose or your bite feels odd, it is a sign of something more serious.

It may be due to some issue in the roots, so schedule an appointment with your orthodontic for emergency care. 


Orthodontic emergencies can be a bit scary. Handling red flags as early as possible will help you gain that smile with less pain. Never hesitate to contact your orthodontist. Your smile is worth it! 

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