
All Options for the Perfect HIV Test

In total, about 4,000 HIV-positive people live in Canada, a fifth of who are unaware of their infection. About two-thirds of new HIV infections are diagnosed when medication should have been started. However, HIV infections are usually not detected until several years after infection.

How HIV is transmitted

In Canada, the HIV virus is almost always transmitted from a person who has not been tested for HIV and is not aware of the infection. Regular HIV medication reduces the risk of HIV transmission to zero. It may be impossible to get HIV from an HIV-positive person who is aware of the infection and is on effective medication.

HIV does not show up and can be asymptomatic for a long time. Because infection can only be detected by testing, it is a good idea to have an HIV test with the std test kit whenever you have had unprotected sex. In Canada, an HIV test is not taken automatically in connection with other sexually transmitted diseases, unless it is requested separately.

To Be Equal

In Canada, there are large regional differences in the implementation of counseling and testing services, and it is not always possible to offer testing when it is needed. Access to the test in public health care is hampered by, for example, limited resources, outdated HIV knowledge, prejudice, and sexual normality and taboos, which make it difficult to address sexual health issues and the HIV test.

This will help to better identify factors and potential risks to sexual health and to provide the right kind of counseling. At the same time, situations where there is a need for HIV testing and how to guide people to safe sex behavior are also better identified.

Provide Actively

Diversity must also be taken into account in the provision of services. HIV testing and counseling services should reach as many different people as possible in individual life situations. HIV testing opportunities should also be available where people spend time. In this case, for example, mobile test units could be utilized.

Low Thresholds

It is best to get an HIV test in time, but better late than never. Medication often also works for late-onset infection, although the prognosis is not always as good as that of timely detection.

What is HIV and what is the difference between HIV infection and AIDS?

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus, which weakens the body’s immune system by attacking and destroying the cells of the immune system and preventing it from fighting many other infections. HIV infection occurs when HIV enters the human body. It means that the person is infected with this virus, but not infected. HIV infection, without symptoms and signs of disease, can last for years and remain unrecognized.

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the last and most severe stage of HIV infection. At its core, it has a complete deterioration of the body’s defense (immune) functions, and the person is susceptible to various infections and tumors.

What Is An HIV Test?

It is Laboratory analysis to check if there are antibodies to HIV in the client’s blood. Antibodies are the body’s response to HIV infection. Antibodies do not appear immediately after infection, so they cannot be detected in a short period after a possible risky behavior.

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