
How does liposuction work?   

In recent years, liposuction has been one of the most popular aesthetic procedures. This type of application is used to remove stubborn fats on areas that are particularly susceptible by overeating, such as the hips, abdomen, waist, knees, and hips. 

Liposuction is by and large applied through vacuuming and eliminating the fat tissues, which are made more liquid by different techniques, through 1-2 mm entry points utilizing slim and long cannulas with a breadth of 2-3 mm. 

This procedure requires a specialist doctor’s opinion, as with any surgical operation. Liposuction does not slim down; it only thins and smooths fat deposits in a regional area. It would make more sense to use this method for fat deposits that fail to disappear with diet, rather than losing weight through a controlled diet and sports program. 

Anybody who is healthy, not pregnant or just born can have liposuction if they don’t suffer from a systemic health problem. For people with systemic health problems, certain factors should be applied to determine before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine risk factors and take practical precautions in case of danger. 

The application of this technique is not impeded by age, however some patients with old skin that is losing elasticity cannot be treated with it. 

What circumstances make liposuction ineffective? 

The use of this application doesn’t mean you won’t gain weight again in the future, however. Following an operation, it is imperative to pay attention to lifestyle, diet, and exercise so as not to gain weight again. The application will not be very successful if there is frequent weight loss and gain.

Existing sags cannot be recovered by this method if there is skin sagging as well as regional excess fat. Liposuction Istanbul cannot correct the sagging of the abdominal wall in women who have recently given birth. Besides, this product doesn’t remove cellulite 

After liposuction, how long does it take for the body to recover? 

It is recommended to wear corsets specially produced after the operation. Depending on the person’s characteristics and how much adipose tissue is removed, these corsets are worn for about 4 to 8 weeks. Edema and bruises are to be expected, and they will fade over time. Typically, the patient returns to work and daily life after removing the stitches one week after the procedure, as long as there are no problems with the general health of the patient. After 3-4 weeks, you can resume normal exercises. 

How much does liposuction cost and what are the included services in the package? 

Costs for procedures vary according to geographic location and liposuction method (standard liposuction and vaser liposuction). 

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