
Are lysine tablets good for you?

Having a healthy body and mind is truly a blessing in disguise. Achieving this state can be different for people as not all individuals have the same privilege towards healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. However, it does not mean it is impossible for everyone to have a healthy life. Just by following the basic food pyramid and allocating some time for physical activity, a person is able to have a healthy body and mind. In this article, we will be talking about lysine tablets that are relatively affordable and very beneficial in the long run.

If you are wondering are lysine tablets good for you, well it is a definite yes. Lysine is an amino acid which makes up the protein in the body. It is categorised as an essential amino acid which means the body needs it for the body system to function properly. Lysine can only be obtained from intake of food or health supplements. While it seems the most convenient and tasty way to get it is through food, we may not actually eat enough food on a daily basis to help provide the adequate lysine needed. Hence, supplementation such as the lysine tablet is here to help the body meet its basic lysine requirement. Deficiency of lysine may lead a person to affected metabolism, hormone imbalance, sexual reproduction and growth.

Lysine plays so many roles in the body. You may have heard a lot of other vitamins or minerals for the body but the importance of lysine in the body is not being highlighted enough in most media or products sold in the market. Examples of the lysine for the body functions are:

1-   Helps to absorb calcium in the intestine sourcing from food intake to build a strong bone and cartilage.

2-   Produce collagen for a resilient strong connective tissue to function well such as in bone, cartilage, teeth, skin and ligaments.

3-   Helps to produce carnitine that is needed for releasing energy from cells by converting fatty acids sourcing from the fat in the blood system or body parts.

4-   Helps to reduce blood levels of LDL (a type of fat in the blood system that is bad for the body, opposite for HDL which is beneficial when is high)

Aside from the basic body functions, lysine has been proved to help improve certain health conditions. Although lysine may not fully treat these health conditions, at the very least it helps to support patients’ health by reducing symptoms or possible complications. Such health conditions include:

1-   Helps lowering blood pressure for those with hypertension or susceptible to have it. Lysine helps to prevent deposition of plaque made of fats from sticking into the blood vessel. This in turn will cause less blood pressure as in hypertension setting, the deposited plaque raises this pressure.

2-   Potentially the best preventive supplements against flaring episodes of herpes or cold sores. Lysine helps to reduce the rate of replication of the herpes virus from causing a repeating outbreak and shorten the duration of a flaring episode.

3-   Emotional distress can be frustrating for those experiencing symptoms of anxiety or stress. Lysine helps to support mental health by making the person have a much more stabilised mood.

4-   Feeling easily tired or fatigued? Lysine can help boost energy level and make sure your body is able to do physical activity by repairing muscle damages cause by strenuous days.

Hence, there is no doubt that lysine tablets are good for you as it helps your body to function better and your mind to become clearer.

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