
Is Teeth Whitening Safe And Appropriate For Teenagers? 

Teenagers worry about their appearance a lot and might develop a lot of insecurities as a result. Teenagers are significantly inclined towards teeth whitening due to influence from peers, enhancing their smile, setting standards on social media, etc. 

Although many parents might have questions regarding the safety of such methods, in Montville, NJ, dentists ensure a safe approach while administering the procedure of teeth whitening. They make sure to provide proper guidance on the treatment. 

Moreover, they also examine the underlying factors leading to discoloration. Consulting a cosmetic dentist in Montville, NJ, can ensure the safety and appropriateness of the teeth whitening method among teenagers.

Let us look at how dentists ensure teeth whitening to be a safe option for teenagers: 

  • Offering customizable treatment options to patients. 

Dentists in Montville offer patients with customized treatment plans, making the procedure easier and safer for patients. They assess the oral condition thoroughly and then accordingly make a treatment plan, keeping the concerns of the patient in mind. Problems like sensitivity can be overcome by having a customized treatment plan. The dentists also ensure the protection of enamel. The treatments are generally reliable and safe for teenagers. 

  • Suggesting some dietary and oral hygiene changes 

Sometimes discoloration can be handled through minimal changes in dietary habits and having proper oral hygiene, including brushing teeth and flossing on a daily basis. Many times, dentists suggest making these changes as they might be tackled with specific changes, and the procedure might not be required. However, to ensure that it can be handled simply by making some changes, you need to get your teeth adequately assessed. 

  • Consulting a professional before getting started with the treatment.

It is essential to seek professional advice in case your teenage child is willing to get teeth whitening done. A dentist can provide in-depth knowledge of the patient’s oral health and whether teeth whitening would be the right option for them or not. It is essential to determine whether enamel thickness is sufficient or not, and other factors are also considered by the professional. 

  • Age consideration in getting the treatment 

Dentists usually run a thorough assessment of the patient. They do not recommend teeth whitening for children below the age of 14. It is so because their teeth and gums are still developing, and teeth whitening might affect the development. On the other hand, teenagers who are above the age of 14 can get teeth whitening once the dentist ensures that the procedure is safe for the person. 

Get started with the treatment by consulting a professional!

Professionals can provide invaluable insight into your child’s dental health. They can tell if the patient’s oral health will remain intact and will not be affected by the treatment. 

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