Our Houston Rehab Will Help You Understand Anxiety and Addiction Link
People with anxiety disorders are significantly more likely than the general public to have a concomitant substance addiction problem. In some instances, self-medication is to blame. Co-occurring disorders result from a combination of environmental, genetic, and traumatic factors. To learn more about co-occurring disorder treatment, call Taylor Recovery Center in Houston today.
Link Between Addiction and Anxiety
Anxiety and substance abuse have several connections. For some individuals, anxiety may lead to using drugs or alcohol as a kind of self-medication.
Anxiety may be alleviated with the use of medication. Individuals feel calm and relaxed when they drink alcohol or take an opiate. They become dependent on the medication to help them cope with their anxiety. Some persons can suffer from anxiety as a result of their addiction. Stress-relieving brain regions are stimulated by cocaine. Addiction is encouraged, and a rise in stress hormones alleviates anxiety.
Anxiety and substance abuse are more frequent in persons who have been traumatized than in those who have not. Genetics and brain chemistry anomalies are thought to be the root causes of both diseases.
Symptoms of Anxiety and Addiction
It is vital to see the warning signs of anxiety or addiction to provide the necessary treatment. Addiction symptoms vary from those caused by stress in several ways. When indications of an anxiety disease and a substance addiction problem begin to emerge simultaneously, it’s crucial to pay attention. Anxiety disorder symptoms include:
- Generalized anxiety
- Agitation
- Irritability
- Sleep difficulties
- Avoiding people
- Anxiety attacks
At some point in everyone’s life, they will experience anxiety symptoms. As long as they don’t get in the way of daily life, they’re not considered an anxiety problem.
Addiction is also characterized by sudden shifts in behavior or attitude, bloodshot eyes, poor hygiene, unusual financial issues, and odd changes in buddy groupings. Both diseases must be treated together in one or more of the following conditions are present: In addition, it will be easier to recover from co-occurring disorders like anxiety and addiction if they are detected and treated earlier.
Taylor Recovery Center Provides the Best Treatment for Dual Diagnosis Patients.
It takes a diverse approach to dealing with depression and drug addiction simultaneously. Detox is a necessary first step in dual diagnosis treatment in order to break a patient’s overall dependence on drugs. Once you’ve completed detox, you can continue dual diagnosis treatment either in a hospital or in your home. In order to help patients, recover holistically, co-occurring disorder psychotherapy will use several therapies and methods.
Taylor Recovery Center offers dual diagnosis clients various therapeutic rehab programs. There are various treatment options, including dialectical behavioural, cognitive-behavioral, family, individual, group, and trauma-focused therapies.
Your odds of recovery will be considerably increased if you participate in additional programs in supplementary of your tailored dual diagnosis treatment plan. The healing and rehabilitation process will begin as soon as you or a beloved one calls one of our admittance specialists. Contact Taylor Recovery today.