
Wisdom Tooth Removal: What Are The Chances of Dying From It?

Wisdom tooth removal is a standard dental procedure. It’s an easy process usually performed by a dentist or periodontist. Wisdom tooth removal can be quite frightening, and there have been few reported cases of complications. It’s then critical to seek wisdom tooth removal services from an experienced dentist or accredited dental clinic.

How can you choose the best wisdom removal tooth clinic and dentist?

There are various dental facilities online. Like any other dental procedure, wisdom tooth removal should be performed by a professional. It’s also critical to select a professional wisdom tooth removal dental clinic. Check the dentists’ experience, and choose one with years of experience.

 The health provider should also be licensed, and this assures you of quality services. The dentist should also possess excellent communication skills and the ability to calm you during the process. This eases anxiety making the procedure more comfortable.

Are there risks involved in wisdom tooth removal?

 Wisdom tooth removal begins with a thorough examination and dental evaluation. In some cases, the dentist may perform X-rays to determine the positioning of your teeth. The health provider will also ask questions regarding any pain history. And this helps him or her to get a clear understanding of your condition. The process utilizes sedation and anesthesia to eliminate pain and anxiety associated with tooth removal.

Are there any risks? Typically, wisdom tooth extracting doesn’t result in complications. However, if there are impacted teeth involved, the dentist may have to use a surgical approach. This may include an incision in the gum tissue and bone removal. Some of the complications though rare, are;

  • Painful dry socket
  • Socket infection from bacteria or trapped food particles
  • Damages to the nearby teeth, nerves, or sinuses

Are there chances of dying from wisdom tooth removal?

The death of Jenny Olenick, a 17-year-old teen who died during wisdom tooth removal in 2011, scares many. It deters most patients from seeking wisdom tooth removal services. However, the American Association for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons clearly states that Olenock’s cases are sporadic. According to the association, there are minimal risks of death or brain injury in anesthesia patients during oral surgery.

Nevertheless, there are critical questions to ask the surgeon before anesthesia. These include;

  • Whether there will be another professional monitoring your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing.
  • If there will be adequate monitoring equipment, and who will be responsible.
  • Whether the clinic has modern equipment to handle spikes in heart rate and breathing difficulties.
  • How the surgeon deals with emergencies.

Other procedures like tattoo removal are also risky. You can die from getting a tattoo or having one removed. And this is particularly true if you don’t engage the right expertise. However, there are several success stories regarding laser tattoo removal, making it a favorite choice for many.

The bottom line

Wisdom tooth removal is an unpleasant experience but can rarely result in complications if you engage a qualified dentist. There are minimal cases of death, and you shouldn’t fear seeking such services. The next time you have issues with your wisdom tooth, seek help from an accredited dental clinic near you and enjoy excellent services.

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