
Men Can Change Their Face Features With These Procedures

When people talk about plastic surgery, they usually think that cosmetic procedures are created for women. No, many procedures are suitable for men also, and many men had these procedures, or they are interested in them. Those procedures are usually nose and facelift surgeries.

Nose surgery or rhinoplasty

This is a surgical procedure that will make your nose more balance with your face. Rhinoplasty can change the shape and size of your nose, and when it comes to men, this surgical procedure is designed to create manly nose shape.

Rhinoplasty will improve your appearance

The best rhinoplasty Sydney with Dr Hodgkinson can make a crooked nose flat by shaving nasal bones that create a bump on a nasal bridge and it can also fix the nasal tip. This procedure was the most common procedure in 2017, from this statistic we can make a conclusion how much rhinoplasty procedure can improve the appearance of your face.

There are some differences between female and male nose job. Male rhinoplasty will focus on the manly characteristic that your nose should have. The doctor will evaluate your whole face and create a customized plan for your nose. The results will be in good proportions with your cheeks, forehead, and eyes, by giving your nose extended tip and high bridge.

Facelift procedure for men

The aging process affects men similarly as it affects women. Many men are choosing to undergo some of the facial treatments, which will make their face look natural and younger. The facelift for men according to Dr Hodgkinson will include your face, but also your neck.

Before the procedure, you will discuss with your doctor about the features that you are seeking in your new look. That can be a more masculine look, whit the better-projected chin, a stronger nose, or more prominent cheekbones. Every information is important to a doctor, and he will explain if some decision will be suitable for you, or he will give you some other possibilities.

The facelift procedure gives amazing results

The incisions will be made in the hair-line area, and with man’s face, the surgeon is more careful, as the man’s face has more blood supply than the woman’s face. The doctor will tighten your skin, by pulling the portions of it, and by correcting the muscles and other tissue underneath your skin. This means that the fat tissue around your jowl will be removed.

Your face will get a new shape, and your wrinkles will be eliminated. You will achieve the look that will take a few years off your face. Surgical facelift procedure, compared to other facelift procedures, can give you a drastic result that will last for 10 or 15 years.

Final word

If you are thinking about possible procedures that you can undergo to improve your look, do some research and visit a doctor to see what options the cosmetic industry can offer. Surgery procedures have the best results if you are ready to go through the recovery period.

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