
What does Ade mcm spots in the genital area signify?

Some people may ask a doctor why they have spots around their genital area, be it a man or a woman. If you have red spots around your genital area, it is important to know that this is not always a serious condition. The red spots may be a result of poor hygiene or irritation. The spots typically will disappear in a day or two. However, some conditions may result in spots around your genital area such as sexually transmitted infection (STI). In STI, it typically lasts longer and is accompanied by other symptoms.

Spots around male’s genital area


  1. Genital herpes

Genital herpes is an STI and it causes red spots on your penis. The red spots can also appear on the scrotum, pubic area at the base of the penis, thighs, buttocks, and the mouth if it is passed through oral sex. The causative organism of genital herpes is the herpes simplex virus (HSV1 or HSV2). This disease is spread through unprotected sex with someone who is infected with the virus.

Other symptoms if you are having genital herpes are

  • Discomfort or pain
  • Itchiness
  • Bleeding ulcer
  • Scarring after the ulcer heals
  1. Syphilis

Treponema pallidum is bacteria that cause syphilis. This infection is spread through unprotected sex with someone that is infected. The initial symptom of syphilis is a circular, red, painless spot on your penis and genital area. If this condition is not treated accordingly, it can spread to other parts of the body.

You will experience these symptoms as the infection progresses:

  • Rashes on the other parts of the body
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Headache
  • Paralysis

If you suspect yourself to have syphilis, you should not be involved in sexual activity until a follow-up blood test shows that the infection has cleared.

  1. Contact dermatitis

This condition happens when there is a skin reaction from getting in contact with something that you are allergic to.

Following are other symptoms if you have contact dermatitis

  • Swelling
  • Itchiness
  • Dry and scaly skin
  • Blisters filled with pus

 Spots around female’s genital area

  1. Vaginal pimples

Vaginal pimples have a similar appearance to other pimples on other parts of your body. It is always unclear what causes vaginal pimples however there are a few common causes:

  • Contact dermatitis: when your skin comes in contact with an allergen or irritant.
  • Folliculitis: infection or inflammation of hair follicles. A follicle is a small skin cavity where hair grows. It can be due to shaving, ingrown hairs, blocked follicles by sweat or personal products, etc.
  • Acne inversa: a chronic skin disease caused by inflammation of the sweat glands. It is characterized by recurrent pus-containing spots and sores.

Squeezing and popping vaginal pimples may cause worsening pain and irritation. It will also increase the risk of infection and the pimple will increase in number and severity.

  1. Sexually transmitted disease

Spots around the genital area in women may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases. There are two common STIs that may cause vaginal spots

  • Genital warts: small and cauliflower-like growth, common among women and is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Genital herpes: similar to the condition in men, it is caused by the herpes simplex virus. The spots may be painful or itchy.
  1. Bartholin’s cyst

On each side of the vagina, there are Bartholin glands. When these glands become blocked, it leads to the formation of cysts. These cysts are usually painless and treatment is not necessary. However, medical interventions are indicated if the cysts become infected.

If you are having spots around your genital area and it persists or progressively worsening, you should visit a local clinic and seek medical advice.

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