
4 Reasons To Schedule Annual Exams With Your Optometrist

Many people only schedule an appointment with their optometrist when they are having a problem with their eyes or their vision. This is a mistake. You need to see the optometrist every year. During your exam, your optometrist will start by discussing any issues that you are having with your vision and your eyes. Next, they will test your vision by having you read an eye chart. They will perform a refraction to determine the right prescription. Next, your optometrist will dilate your eyes so that they can get a good look at your optic nerve to check for any issues. Finally, your optometrist will check the pressure in your eyes. If the pressure is high, it is a sign of glaucoma, which is a very serious disease.

There are a few reasons why you should schedule a comprehensive eye exam with the eye doctor every year.

#1 Vision Changes Occur Very Gradually

It is not uncommon for your vision to change, especially when you get older. In most cases, these vision changes occur so gradually that you may not even realize it. To be sure that you are always able to see your best, you should see the optometrist every year.

#2 Many Diseases Of the Eye Show No Early Symptoms

Several serious conditions of the eye show no early symptoms. It isn’t until permanent vision loss occurs that you begin to show signs. A few of these conditions include glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. Early detection is essential in preserving your vision, which is why you should have your eyes checked every year. If your eye doctor determines that you have glaucoma or macular degeneration, there are treatment options that can slow the progression of the disease. With diabetic retinopathy, you will need to see the eye doctor every three to six months so that your eye doctor can track the progression of the disease. They will also create a treatment plan to help preserve your vision for as long as possible.

#3 Up-To-Date Prescriptions

Your eyeglass prescription and your contact lens prescription is valid for just one year. If you run out of contact lenses, you won’t be able to order a new supply unless you have a valid prescription. The same is true with your glasses. If you lose your glasses, you will need to have an up-to-date prescription to have a new pair made. When you have an eye exam every year, you will always have a current prescription on file. This will allow you to order a new pair of glasses or a new supply of contacts whenever you feel the need.

#4 Serious Medical Conditions Can Be Caught During An Eye Exam

While your optometrist can detect diseases of the eye early during an eye exam, they can also catch other medical conditions. In some cases, these conditions can be caught by your eye doctor before your primary care physician catches them. A few of these conditions include high blood pressure, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and even brain tumors.

It is essential that you schedule a regular eye exam every year. Your vision is extremely important. Because of this, you should make visits to the optometrist, like Trinity Eye Care, a priority.

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